The Word that never fails ....
by Morag Cameron God’s Word never fails and accomplishes the purpose for which it was sent - to bring about our belief in Jesus as stated in Isaiah 55:11 above and also in John 6:29 ’Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.’ It is very important to thank God for the gift of His Word. Through it, He has revealed Himself fully to us without hesitation or delay. We do not have to search for God. He has already made Himself known to us. By the true Word of the LORD, we are set free. The Word of God never changes ‘The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever’ Isaiah 40:8. It was relevant thousands of years ago and it is relevant today, meeting us right where we are and equipping us with truth to build our lives upon. In fact, when we read the Word of God, we are putting on the very vital belt of truth, the first piece of armour we are commanded in Ephesians 6:14 to embrace daily. God generously gives us His divine wisdom, which is the Word of God. The Spirit of God uses the Word of God to guide and direct us. God’s Word is sufficient to provide us truth for every aspect of life. 2 Timothy 3:15 tells is that the Word of God provides us wisdom for salvation Through the gift of His Word, God has revealed to all people the way to Himself – that is, through faith in His Son, Jesus. |
God is so good, gracious, sacrificial and kind. The way He loves is beautiful and astounding. To be saved means to be justified, or declared righteous before God. Romans 5 tells us we are declared righteous by our faith. Galatians 2 reiterates this truth in a beautiful way, explaining that we are declared righteous by the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. On our own, we will never be able to get to God. Despite our efforts and even our good works, without Christ, we remain separated from God. When we are faithless, Jesus is faithful. He was obedient to God to the point of death, even death on a cross. Although sinless, He willingly accepted the penalty of sin on our behalf in order to make us righteous. Jesus did the work. Jesus made the way. Now, we get to live, abide and stand in God’s lavish grace. Wherever we find ourself right now, God is not finished. He is awake and at work in the world and in our life. He has a purpose for our life as He created us to know Him and to be His ambassador. We must seek Him with our whole heart, and we will then find Him. Because of Jesus, we no longer stand in our past, sin, fears or mistakes. We have been saved and stand in God’s grace. Hymn Grace Greater Than Our Sin - Don Moen (Lyrics) Prayer Thank You, Lord, for all the blessings in life. Thank You for the joy of friendship and the comfort of family. Thank You for Your guidance and protection. Most of all, thank You for saving us, forgiving us and loving us at all times. Amen |