Uphall South Parish is a single charge serving the communities of Uphall, Uphall Station and Dechmont. The congregational roll consists of 200 members and 26 adherents with the average attendance at Sunday worship being over 100 including young children (Sunday Stars) and older children (Sunday Club).
There is a good spread of ages across the congregation with a significant number of young families.
The land on which our church stands was gifted in 1894 by Sir John Pender G.C.M.G. of Middleton Hall to Broxburn Free Church to build a Mission Hall in Uphall. The Free and United Presbyterian Missions in Uphall joined in 1897 and led to the Mission Hall being converted to a “preaching Station” which became a full charge in 1898, appointed its first minister and took on the new name of Uphall Free Church.
Preaching Station
On 26th Jan. 1897, Uphall Mission was erected into a “Preaching Station” by the Free Presbytery of Linlithgow. Broxburn United Presbyterian Church was also carrying out mission work at Uphall. However, a decision was taken to discontinue this Mission work, and to unite with the Free Church. The Free Church Session reciprocated by asking for a recommendation of one of the students finishing at the United Presbyterian College to take charge of the Preaching Station. Mr. George Millar was sent. 61 members were transferred from Broxburn Free congregation , and a few members from Broxburn United Presbyterian congregation, to form the nucleus of the new congregation. The result being, in Uphall there was a United Free Church before the great Union of 1900 created the United Free Church of Scotland. It also meant far more, for it meant that the members of the United Presbyterian Church became, for the first time, members of the Free Church. Next year, 1898, the General Assembly sanctioned Uphall as a full charge. A unanimous call was given to Mr. Millar, and his ordination took place on 2nd Aug. 1898. By that time the membership exceeded 100.
The nationwide union of the Free Church and the United Presbyterian Church in 1900 meant that the church then became Uphall United Free Church. By 1926 the congregation had outgrown the existing premises and the present day building was erected in front of the old one which became the church hall. Finally In 1929 the nationwide union of the United Free Church and the Church of Scotland led to the church becoming Uphall South Parish Church. The church followed the path of most with membership peaking in the fifties and sixties at around 400. There followed a marked decline during the latter years of a long ministry and when this tenure ended in 1992, after much consideration a reviewable 5 year tenure was granted. Thanks to the efforts of the incumbent minister and a very faithful core group, to the surprise of those outwith the congregation and with God’s grace the church began to flourish again. So much so that an unrestricted call was supported in 2000 and Rev. Margaret Steele continued the remarkable revival of Uphall South through to her departure in 2011. Our minister, Rev. Ian Maxwell was called to Uphall South Church in 2013.