On the first Saturday of each month the church is open from 10.30am -12 noon for anyone who wishes to come in for a time of quiet meditation or prayer.
Bible Study Groups.
Monday in the small meeting room 2.00 - 3.30pm. Monday in the Open Door 7.30 - 9.00pm. Tuesday in the small meeting room 7.30 - 9.00pm. Tuesday in the Open Door 7.30 - 9.00pm
Celebrated monthly. In March, April, June, September and December this takes place during morning worship otherwise it is celebrated directly after the morning service.
On the fourth Sunday
In November January, March and May (after Messy Church) toast, pancakes, tea, coffee and juice will be served in the hall from 10.20 - 10-50am. All welcome.
On the fourth Sunday of each month from September to June tea, coffee, juice and biscuits are served in the hall directly after the 11pm service.
Coffee mornings are held in the church hall on Saturday mornings in November, early December, February, March, April and May. Time 10.30am - noon