We are always happy to extend a warm welcome to all who come. However, our Sunday morning services have been cancelled until further notice due to the present situation with the Covid 19 virus.
Our Worship
Prayerfor this time
Lord Jesus Christ
We put our trust in You that this day may become the blueprint for the days to come. That in the times of loss and absence Your eternal presence remains. That in the times of doubt and fearfulness Your eternal presence remains.
We remember, Lord, that even on the brightest days, there will be those for whom the sound of joy is harsh, or empty, or hard to hear.
For those entombed in grief, and seeing no way out, for those gripped by physical, mental and spiritual pain, for those ignored, alone and overlooked by a busy world we pray today. For those whose doubts loom large and unanswered, for those without work, or resources to live a fulfilled life, for those unable to see the present or the future because the past will not be at peace within their hearts and minds, we pray today. Wherever we go, let us tread gently and sensitively and with careful hearts and words amongst all who hurt and struggle.
May we remember the sovereign humility of the Servant King, and pray those entrusted with the ordering of our world do so in the understanding of ruling with mercy and serving without partiality.
God bless our Church in these days. Where she sings and serves, the delight of God’s good grace may be seen and heard and felt across our land. Let young and old be gathered in the circle of Your grace, to find the truth of resurrection joy, and to be found by the searching, understanding, joyful Saviour, in whose name and for whose sake we offer up our prayers today. Amen.
Pastoral issues, weddings, baptisms and funerals should be referred to
Rev Dr Ian Maxwell Uphall South Church: (See Contact Page on this website)
Charity number SC024255
Weekly activities
Our normal activities would be these, but due to the current situation they have been suspended until further notice.
Learn Together 2-3.30pm. In the Church meeting room Learn Together 7.30pm. In the Open Door Cafe Rainbows and Guides 5.45- 9pm. In the Church Hall
Bible Study Group 7.30pm. In the Open Door Cafe Bible Study Group 7.30pm. In the Church meeting room
Pray Together 9.30 -11am. In the Church meeting room Praise Band Practice 7.30pm In the Church sanctuary
Kirk Session 7.30pm. In the Church Hall on the 3rd Thursday of the Month
Coffee Mornings 10.30 – noon. In the Church Hall Open Church 10.30 – noon.
Monthly Communion In the Church sanctuary on the 1st Saturday of the month Country Dancing 7.30pm. In the Church Hall on the 2nd Saturday of the month Youth events are run regularly with the BUSY Project. US men meet on a monthly basis. Family Events are organised three to four times a year. Courses run include: Christianity Explored, Alpha and others.